Ministries & Liturgy


Altar Servers Group

Once children are in primary six they are offered the chance of becoming altar servers. Serving the altar is a great privilege, and everyone who serves the altar does so with great respect.

Canon Magee in is charge of the training and supervision of all Altar Servers.

Interested parents or children should contact one of the priests.

Ministry of the Word  
Readers at Mass make a vital contribution to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. "Christ is present in his Word"

Reading is an important act of service to the whole community and is a role of dignity and significance.

The twenty parishioners who are Ministers of the Word read at daily, Holy Day and Sunday Masses.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

There are currently 38 Eucharistic Ministers working in the parish. On a rota basis they cover week-day Masses and weekend Masses with a total of 14 ministers required each week. Holy Communion is brought weekly to the sick and the housebound throughout the area, including the three residential/nursing homes. Approximately 80 sick people regularly receive Holy Communion at home.

The qualifications for becoming a Minister of the Eucharist are simple enough:

  • Only sinners are invited to join – it is not a reward for holiness, it may be a means!
  • You should have a respect for the Mass and the Eucharist.

The work is extremely rewarding and humbling.

Parish Choir

There are four choirs in the Parish three attached to St Malachy's and one to the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Immaculate Conception Choir           Maire Scullion
St Malachy's Folk  Choir                   Terry Cowan
St Malachy's Adult Choir                   Eimear King
St Malachy's Junior Choir                 Frances McNally

Choirs alway welcome new members.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday, from 10.00am to 7.00pm, in the Oratory.

Parishioners are invited to promise their presence in the Oratory by filling in their names on a timetable to ensure constant adoration.

The Altar Society

The Altar Society is responsible for the  cleaning of the church on a weekly basis.

Teams of volunteers, made up of family members or friends, clean on a rota basis.

The work is energy demanding and the Society welcome new teams.

Members consider it a privilege to be involved in taking care of God’s House.

Flower Arranging

At present there is no formal Flower Arranging Group. Dedicated volunteers give up some of their spare time to decorate the altars.